Synapses of Stories                Veeraswamy Krishnaraj

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Polyandrous Mathanam

Mathanam was the queen of Mathanapuri, born of a king and a sandal wood harvester. She never married but took many lovers. She remained barren. She chose an heir to the throne from among the daughters of her lovers. The would-be princess was the most promising to be the queen by test in sixty-four arts, a proficiency befitting the queen. Queen Mathanam extracted a promise from the princess that she would not marry, take in lovers and follow her tradition. She broke her promise and married Prince Kalaiman. April 24, 2013



King Karma Raja made the cow the most important animal in his kingdom. Its value is known to everyone. Man cannot live without the cow. The Indo-Europeans were the first ones to domesticate the cow. Go (गो) is cow in Sanskrit. (Indo-European for cow: ME cou, OE cu; c. G Kuh, D koe, ON kyr)     

Cow (Bos primigenius taurus) 8000 BC India, Middle East, and North Africa--Wikipedia


There was once a king by name Vikaran (= விகாரன்). His kingdom was large with a population of a million people living in one city and many surrounding villages and forests. He used to go around town and villages incognito to see, learn, and reign his kingdom and people according to his observations and impressions. In the former life, he was an accomplished Yogi with siddhis (= சித்தி = Supernatural powers obtained by abstract meditation and exercised at one's will). These Siddhis continued to be his asset and became useful in his exploratory expeditions. His spouse, his court and the palace employees had no idea the king had supernatural powers. He would leave his body in a resting or sleeping position and enter the body of an animal or person. (Sometimes the Seer-King could be at two or more places at one time -Omnipresence). This is known as Parakaya Pravesam (பரகாய பிரவேசம் = Transmigration). This depended upon the role he took at that moment in time. He could change from a person to an animal and vice versa, if the occasion demands such a change. When he changed his forms, he always had his original mental capacity of the king and the mindset of the incognitos. This helped him because an incognito has to play his or its genuine role with the king's mindset in the background. Incognito dog should bark; a donkey should bray; a lion should roar; a beggar should wear ragged clothes, look and act pitiful... At the same time he should retain his native ability of the former self. Transfiguration and transmutation belong in this category. He had his own spies to observe, inform and educate him on the goings-on in the kingdom.

Read more on the adventures of the Seer King on his pilgrimage.   April 13, 2013



King Varman with his Queen Vani was the ruler of Indrapuri in the nth century. The king's harem was a busy place. There were wall to wall babies in the nursery. Women with unerupted wisdom teeth were eligible candidates for the privileged status of concubines. Retirement was mandatory at twenty years of age or on birth of a baby, whichever came first. Severance pay and health benefits were handsome. One day he goes hunting and tries to take advantage of the young wife of a Forest Rishi, out to the riverside for ablutions, rituals and worship. The animals in the yard come to the rescue as if they were trained to attack a stranger. With the monkey on his head pulling the hair, the birds poking him everywhere and the donkey kicking him in the groin, the king falls face down. The Rishi obviously commanded the animals by mental telepathy to attack the intruder. The king, suffering from retrograde amnesia goes back to his palace. His biological daughter chooses the son of the Rishi twenty-five years later as a husband. Read all about the twists and turns of fate.  The son of one, among the many concubines, becomes the king. April 10, 2013


Follow the mystery of stolen Egg-Diamonds from the kingdom of Muttai-Thivu from right under the noses of the treasury guards. They were so valued there was no market for such cherished diamonds. The buyer or holder is sure to die by the king's sword. King's spies pinpoint the ultimate beneficiary of the stolen diamonds. A seasoned envoy pries the diamonds out of the hands of the illegitimate beneficiary. Read more about the mystery as to who the real thieves were. April 9, 2013.


The mayor of the city of Kodil had three daughters, who were the personifications of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Read their short story how Rajasi and Tamasi transmuted and became Sattvic. Rajasi was interfering with a natural and usual flow of events, while Tamsi was actively manipulating to change events and people to suit her needs. Hinduism states that Rajas and Tamas are inimical to society and one's own regular growth and development. All three girls were married to their sweethearts. Sudama, the husband of Satvi, performs Garbhadhana Samskara (Gift to the Womb Sacrament). It is impregnation of the wife according to Vedic Rituals. It is an elaborate ceremony before ritual coitus. Satvi has a baby boy, Satvan. Read about Lobhi as to how he almost evicted a governor from his hotel. April 3, 2013, May 3, 2013. May, 25, 2013


The travelling bangle salesman plies his trade in the villages and towns in South India. He took his wife and children with him on his business trips. As the children grew up to school-going age, he went alone. It was a day trip to the surrounding villages. He had to travel the jungle paths on his cart. He offered prayers to the roadside deities for protection wherever he went to ply his trade.
A performing monkey that accompanies him on his business trips gave a pose of Abhaya and Vara Mudras before the charging thugs in a jungle path. The thugs immediately offer their worship to the monkey which they regard as an incarnation of Hanuman and thus stop robbing the salesman.
One day at a roadside pullout, a tiger charges towards the horse, and the horse jumps on it and breaks the hind leg of the tiger, which limps back into the forest. The horse some years later, develops Wobbler disease with week hind legs. The townspeople attributed the illness to the wrath of the deity Durga, who uses the tiger as her mount. So the adventure of the salesman continues.


There were four brothers coming from a Dalit family outside the caste system in the 1900s. They lived a humble life in a one-room hut. As children, they were dirt poor, with rags for clothes and derogatory monikers for names, shoeless, and no friends from higher castes. They were intelligent children and turned out to be good citizens with good education at State expense. April 2, 2013



The Dalit girl and the Brahmana Boy are college-going youngsters from the same place; they belong to different castes, Dalit outside the caste system and Brahmana on the top of the heap. They had an idea of each other's existence but did not know each other personally. Brahmana boy going to college is nothing unusual. But the Dalit going to college was uncommon those days. Read about the circumstances under which they came together, married and moved to America, only to find out that there were India-born bigots and bastards right here in their backyard.


Sadhu is a man of many tongues. He is proficient in Animal-speak. He goes from place to place talking to animals and people whose narratives reflect their respective perspectives. The animals exhibit human qualities, and people show animal qualities. In Tantric sense, an animal in a human form transforms from animal to human to divine. The dog his constant companion stands for loyalty and protection. March 16, 2013 Sadhu = Good, Virtuous, honorable, righteous person.

Follow the Sadhu on his peregrinations. He is Yogi, capable of communicating with birds and animals. He spoke in Fowl language with a chicken. Hear a donkey defending a fellow donkey. The king of birds had a tiff with the Sadhu, who later rescues  five tiny goslings from a hole. Hear the girl honeybee narrate the story of life in the beehive. The wild elephant gives him a ride. Read about the croc that saved the Sadhu from the tiger.

Sadhu talks the cobra out of biting the cow, which bartered milk with cobra for its life. The mountain tribe plays host to Sadhu. Thuggees try to kill Sadhu. Reason: killing is sports for the thuggees. The prospective killer thuggee falls into a ditch, and breaks his limbs. Sadhu nurses his would-be killer back to health. Thuggee is a changed man.


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Mannu has an encounter with an Indian python deep in the forest. No, he was not swallowed by the snake. On the contrary, the boy follows the tail of the python and gets back home safe. The python gives the boy a parting gift with his name inscribed on the gem, so no one will blame him for stealing it. Mannu could not register his gem as his, though his name was laser-engraved. Guess who saves him from his ordeal.


Calufa the war dog goes with his owner-soldier to help him in the war effort. He learnt to spot IUDs. He once urinated on a lighted fuse. He wore a body armor. His sense of smell helped the soldiers identify noxious gases, narcotics... He was captured by enemy soldiers. He makes a miraculous escape and makes contact with little animals and avoided spat with feral dogs. He lived on discarded MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) on his way back. He beats molestation by black bears gone wild and drunk on beer. He smells his way back to his camp and finds his trainer. He goes home with the trainer and is honored with a ticker-tape parade.


Margara was a pious cat. He was really a yogi who transmuted into a cat living the life a vegan on a daily quota of milk. He had visits from a langur who happened to be his fellow yogi in the previous birth. Then there is the mongoose by name Mungus, who saves a family from a cobra that came into the house. Mungus was no stranger to Margara; neither was the bull Rishabha, nor the horse, nor the monkey handler. They were all fellow yogis in the forest in the previous lives. They traveled as animals, transmuted into men and went on a pilgrimage to a temple.


Sankara has a spat on the banks of Ganges River with a little girl, who is no other than Sakti. Though Sankara is a god-realized person, he does not know that Sakti came to him in the form of a girl to teach him a lesson that Siva is sava (dead) without Sakti. In his debates, he was effusive in praise of Siva and in his panegyric, Sakti is nowhere to be found. Sankara has later composed Soundarya Lahari eulogizing Parvati or Sakti. Sankara sees the powerhouse that Sakti is. By the time he realizes his mistake, the effulgent Sakti was long gone, leaving Sankara crying for the Mother. March 27, 2013.


Sankara debates with the proponents of dualism and demolishes their arguments with well-placed explosive charges. A celibate transmigrates his soul into a dead king and consorts with his queens, an audacious explorer into the art, science and nuances of love-making far exceeding the scope and range of Kamasutra. The prevailing opinion is that his disciples manufactured Sankara's non-existent sexploits to give a macho image to a philosopher. March 27, 2013


Two friends, one rich and one poor, coming from disparate circumstances forge a friendship. The father of the rich boy supports the poor boy through school. The boys are so close they read each other by cues and clues. One becomes an engineer and the other a doctor. The poor boy was doused with hot liquid by a hateful and jealous neighbor-waiter in a restaurant. When he becomes a doctor, he renders services to the waiter without one iota of anger or vengeance. Read more. April 7, 2013