mAtsya NyAya = Might is right Skanda purana part 1 page xxxix.  xliii The qualites of a king. 36 in all.

Tantrics are sulking because they could not transform a lone soul becoming a Divya.

Don't bare your chest and show the skeletons.

John Boehner, then House minority leader, warned Lee over his partying with female lobbyists last year.

This is weiner who took pictures of his penis and sent it to a woman.

Rep. Lee Was Warned over Partying

Former New York Rep. Christopher Lee’s Craigslist fiasco may not have been the first time he bared his chest to women other than his wife: Politico says, John Boehner, then House minority leader, warned Lee over his partying with female lobbyists last year. Lee resigned Wednesday just three hours after Gawker posted shirtless photos from Lee’s online flirtation with a stranger he met on Craigslist. A special election will be held to pick his replacement.  Feb/10/2011  Cheat-Sheet

"I regret the harm that my actions have caused my family, my staff and my constituents. I deeply and sincerely apologize to them all."--- How many times have your heard this pronouncement made by public figures?

& & Ā  ā  ī  ū  ś  ṣ  Ś  ṛ  ḥ    ḥ  ḍ  ṇ  ń   1  1  1  1   
Copyright © 2009 Veeraswamy Krishnaraj


Begin date: 06/13/2009

end date:

maharṣayaḥ1 sapta2 pūrve3 catvāra4 manava5 tathā6
7 mānasā8 jātā9
yeṣām10 loke11 imāḥ12 prajāḥ13 10.6


sapta2 = The seven; maharṣayaḥ1 = Great Rishis; pūrve3 = of ancient days; tathā6 = also; catvāra4 = four; manava5 = Manus; madbhāvā7 = of My nature;  yeṣām10 = of them;  imāḥ12 = these; prajāḥ13 = people; loke11 = in the world; jātā9 = are born; mānasā8 = from my mind. 10.6

10.6:  The seven Great Rishis and the four Manus of ancient days are of My Nature. In this world,  these Rishis and Manus are born of My mind.



 God and Visions of God

God is One and yet gods of different religions say different things; everyone claims that there is no God other than His. Gods of other religions are either defunct or pretenders. They say, 'God speaks'; His words: are they really His? Are they of mortal man, who pretends to speak for God and promulgates words in the name of God? The sacred texts of different religions say that God spoke to a god-man. Could it be possible they misheard God and uttered words that are not His? Could it be possible that God never really spoke to him or them? They believe they heard God speak to them. Or have they interpreted their auditory hallucinations as words of god? It is generally agreed that the highly spiritual people have visual and auditory hallucinations, described as Essential Schizophrenia. The only difference between the insane and the hallucinating spiritual person is that the latter behaves normally once the person snaps out of his or her session with god (seance, epiphany).  Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (February 18, 1836 - August 16, 1886), is a genuine god-man who had seen, conversed with God and said that all religions are equal. (He pops the airy arrogance of man calling his god superior to the next one.) For every real god-man, there are a zillion pseudo-gurus. Could it be that God is double-tongued, triple-tongued, quadruple-tongued....? Does He say different things to different people depending upon their geography, availability of fauna, flora, and cereal grains, weather conditions, cultural traditions, local politics and prejudices, layout of the land they live in....? Is it possible that god-men in the past could not expand his mind beyond his geographical habitat and think global, because he didn't know what was beyond his territory? May be, his god had no idea beyond what man saw from his little place, a dot in the universe. He only thought of God with reference to his little dot of a place and the local people he lived with. In the recording of his sessions with God, there is no mention of people and culture of foreign lands. The regional god-men talked about God in relation to his place, local people, local culture, local lore, local prejudices.... The place and the people beyond his circumscription did not exist and did not figure in the conversation with his localized god.  Why did he not question God about people, places, cultures and customs beyond his geography? Why God did not tell him about other people beyond his geographical location and limitation? The god-men always talk about the conflicts and alliances they have with local people. The god-men and the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God seemed to have preoccupied themselves with local things, races, customs... and completely ignored the outside world. Why is it that God was getting involved with local politics and prejudices? Is God parochial like man? If that is so, he is not god. All these questions make one wonder whether god really spoke to these god-men. Could all this mean that the so-called words of god in all religions are just words of god-men's own imagination, prejudices, extensive recycling of the local lore excluding the unknown (to him) experiences of foreign lands and people?


The first Siva temple established at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in 1973

Kadavul Hindu Temple is a traditional South Indian style Siva temple. It is part of Kauai Aadheenam, a 458-acre monastery/temple complex also known as Kauai's Hindu Monastery. As it is the primary temple for the 21 resident monastics, the monks rotate in three-hour-long vigils round-the-clock during which time they worship, meditate and perform other spiritual disciplines.

This ancient spiritual path was brought to America by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva, 1927-2001) and continues today under his successor, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.



Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva, 1927-2001) Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.


Anubhava - The Vision

It is said that the most powerful temples are those founded by the Gods themselves through visions. Kadavul Hindu Temple is such a temple. Gurudeva describes his vision and the events leading up to the temple's founding: "At Mahasivaratri time in 1973, in the jungles of Kauai, our Kadavul Nataraja Deity, Lord of the Dance, arrived at Kauai Aadheenam and was placed in the gardens overlooking the sacred Wailua River, where it was spontaneously decorated, bathed and worshiped. That night the exact location of the Deity's installation was chosen by Lord Muruga Himself when He appeared to me in an early morning vision, upturned His glistening vel  (வேல் = Trident or Lance), His scepter of spiritual discernment, and powerfully pounded its point three times on the cement steps at the Aadheenam entrance, marking the precise spot to place the Deity." This mystical vision marked the founding of Kadavul Hindu Temple. Shortly after the installation of the Nataraja Deity, Gurudeva received what he called "a magical boon" of reading clairvoyantly from inner-plane manuscripts, which he then dictated to his monks over a two-year period. These writings from the devas and Mahadevas formed the shastras, spiritual instructions, that now guide his monastic order. During the same time, Gurudeva received devonic directions that written prayers could be sent to the inner world devas by being burned in the sacred fire inside Kadavul Temple. On auspicious days, hundreds of prayers from all over the world are offered into the temple fire. The magical happenings and answers to these petitions have become part of the temple's renown. Writing and delivering prayers to the Devaloka through the sacred fire is an ancient Natha Sampradaya practice. Today this method of communication is still employed in Shinto and Taoist temples in Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia and other areas of Southeast Asia. The prayers are written down and placed in the temple fire. As the paper burns, the astral double of the prayer appears in the Devaloka. The prayer is then read by the devas, who proceed to carry out the devotee's requests. These temple devas are fully dedicated to assist all who come through the temple doors with their emotional, mental and physical problems.


According to Orrin Devinsky, who directs the epilepsy center at New York University, neurologists suspect some of the religious giants — like Moses — were epileptics. When Moses saw the burning bush, it could have been God — or a seizure, he says. "Whatever happened back there in Sinai, Moses' experience was mediated by his temporal lobe," Devinsky says. Jeffrey Saver, a neurologist at UCLA says when people with no brain dysfunction have numinous, or spiritual, experiences, it's the same limbic system being activated — but with the volume turned down. June 2010.

 Several years ago, my wife and I went on Greek Islands tour. Patmos was one such Island. The Sacred Grotto in Patmos: I went down the steps to the cave dwelling of St. John. A spontaneous feeling of exhilaration and horripilation enveloped me and I was beside myself, which persisted through out my stay in the cave and augmented when the guide pointed to us the ledge in the rock cave, on which St. John rested his head when he slept. I never had such intense feeling in my life except in the Hindu temples. I never read his revelation before. I felt I was in the divine presence. I am a Hindu; for a Hindu to experience such overwhelming feeling of divine presence in a Christian environment speaks of the Christian Spirit in me. I conclude that Hinduism encompasses Christianity. I believe that St. John received his Revelation, which is enveloped in controversy. I don't understand my experience completely. Epilepsy in me, I discount it.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants -- things which must shortly take place. And he sent and signified it by his angel to his servant John.”[1:1] Thus, in the opening sentence, we are informed that we are about to hear a message which was given: a) from God, b) to Jesus, c) to an angel, d) to John, e) to the servants of God. We also see that the document was intended to be read to the congregations: “Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written therein.”[1:3]-- The New Oxford Annotated  Bible and Wikipedia.  Jefferson has completely excluded the Revelation from his Cut and Paste edition of Bible, which is really the best I have ever read.


Nineteenth-century agnostic Robert G. Ingersoll branded Revelation "the insanest of all books".[74] Thomas Jefferson omitted it along with most of the Biblical canon, from the Jefferson Bible, and wrote that at one time, he considered it as "merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams." [75] George Bernard Shaw described it as "a peculiar record of the visions of a drug addict".[76]

Martin Luther changed his perspective on Revelation over time. In the preface to the German translation of Revelation that he composed in 1522, he said that he did not consider the book prophetic or apostolic, since "Christ is neither taught nor known in it." But in the completely new preface that he composed in 1530, he reversed his position and concluded that Christ was central to the book. He concluded, as we see here in this book, that through and beyond all plagues, beasts, and evil angels, Christ is nonetheless with the saints and wins the final victory."[77] John Calvin "had grave doubts about its value."[78] --wikipedia

The Jefferson Bible is a pure delight 'divested of supernatural events and misrepresentations which were added by the four evangelists.'  --These words in quote are not mine.


The god-men of all religions and regions say they spoke with god. They heard different things from the same god. That is probably why each one in his narrow parochial view claims his religion is superior to others. Were the god-men talking to the Universal God or a local god, who cannot think beyond the place of the local god-man? The God did not impart all His knowledge to any one god-man. They (each one) received bits and pieces. From some of the sayings of the god-men... of all religions, it is doubtful a compassionate God would have uttered such uncompassionate harsh words with regards to his children (We the people). They say God created and fathered all men.... That being so, why is He saying such terrible things about punishing His children (We the people). We expect God to be free from anger, jealousy, and all other negative human qualities. He cannot ask us to be cool, when He Himself gets angry with and strikes us. What kind of an example is that? Hinduism gets around this by saying that the Universal God is the repository of all good and bad qualities of men and yet does not suffer from or project them. It is like the heat in the sun but that heat does not affect the sun. We  feel that heat, mostly salubrious and sometimes oppressive; we see by its light and by the same light go blind sometimes; UVA causes tanning and melanoma; UVB helps production of Vitamin D, causes sunburn and skin cancer. Sun is not all good and not all bad, from our perspective. Likewise God is good and bad from our perspective and not from His. There cannot be any quality in the world unless God has it in Him in the first place, because we as His children has His DNA in us. Bhagavadgita (chapter 7 & 10) states the following:

7.8: I am the taste in the water, O Son of Kunti I am the light in the moon and the sun, the prānava (AUM) in the Vedas, sound in the ether and the virility (manhood) in men.

7.9: I am the pure fragrance of the earth; I am the brightness in the fire; I am the life in all the living entities; I am the tapa (austerity) in ascetics.

7.10: O son of Partha, know me to be the eternal (Sanātanam) seed of all living beings; I am the intelligence of the intelligent; I am the brilliance of the brilliant.

7.11: I am strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am carnal desire in all within the principles of dharma (duty, virtue and righteousness), O Arjuna.  

7.12: Know that all states of being, such as Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas (Virtue, Passion, and Darkness) proceed thus from Me. I am not in them, but they are in Me. (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas covers all possible human, animal and material qualities in the universe.)

7.13: Deluded by the three-fold nature of the gunas (qualities), the whole universe of beings does not know Me because I am above all these, supreme and imperishable (and incomprehensible).

10.36: I am the fraud of the gambler; of the splendid, I am the splendor; I am victory; I am the resolve (of the resolute); I am the absolute virtue of the virtuous.

God of each religion according to god-men in each religion tells that He is the Ultima thule excluding every one else. He is second to none; there is no one higher than Him. There must be proof that if you follow one religion and its God exclusively, the believers  of that religion should have perfect or reasonable life on earth. That is not the case. Don't promise me what You (God) will do (to help me) tomorrow. I want to know what You can do today. There is no such proof.  If that living God does not provide perfect life on earth to His followers, the guarantee of a perfect never-before-seen or -experienced after-life is just a promise and nothing more. The words He was supposed to have uttered to God-men are words written on the imagination, the wind and the water.  Why is it God guarantees a perfect after-life in all religions, when He cannot provide that perfection in this life on earth? That is a kinda of Bait and Switch. The present is the proof of the future.  The Bait is a nebulous guarantee of heaven and the switch is certain misery, old age, disease, death... on earth. This is a breach of contract by that god and a breach of covenant between god and man. Promise of heaven or reaching god after death is just a promise and not a fact that could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Hinduism explains this dilemma with the concept of Karma, which is your thought, word and deed, by which one can do good or evil. God is the Guardian and the Enforcer of Karma. You are responsible for yourself. Your actions determine the kind of life you will lead on this earth at the present and beyond. Your actions are yours and not God's. God takes everyone under His wings: believers, non-believers, atheists, theists... because we are his children and have his DNA in us. He is like the sun which shines on the good, the bad and the indifferent. God helps but you have to do all the work to earn beatitude. People who say that they are doing god's work are cheating themselves and others. If you escape reward or punishment for your actions, Karma's long arm will reach and touch you somehow in this life or the next life. Where is the proof? The proof is self-evident in all countries and peoples.  You see a good man suffer for no apparent fault of his. That is the long arm of Karma reaching and touching him for acts that he did in the past life. You see an apparently unqualified and undeserving man coming to a fortune, power, prestige.... That is again the long arm of Karma endowing him with worldly things. The fruits of your acts are immediate, delayed, deferred, or postponed to future births.  Let me give you an example. If you eat a certain kind of food (wheat), you may have immediate abdominal pain, delayed eczematous rash months down the road, or develop chronic diarrhea (celiac disease) far in the future. 

Every time the soul is reborn in the body of man, the soul laden with impurities (malams) is given a chance to divest itself of the impurities and mature. Once it is pure and mature, it attains liberation and merger with god.

 The mind of the west is abhorrent to the idea of rebirth, Karma and the attendant misery. It devised an easy solution for the mortal man to attain heaven by saying that Jesus Christ has suffered and shed blood for one's sins and therefore that the sinning person is eligible to attain heaven.  It is like administration of preventive serum (prophylaxis with Gamma Globulins) to a patient who was exposed to Measles, Hepatitis B.... One does all the sins (exposure to disease) and the prophylaxis to passage to hell is administration of confession to the sinning soul.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8)

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

There is more on forgiveness of sins in this link:

To be truthful, I love the Christian principle of forgiveness of sins. It is simple, straightforward and easy--no messing around with rebirth and Karma. Sinning, confession and forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ is beyond the realm of justice. It demands complete divestiture of criminal-justice system. Has Hitler reached the bosom of the Lord by confession and the subsequent suicide by firearm? Is his self-immolation a form of confession? Are his sins worthy of expunction just because he confessed? No one will agree that hitler is free from sin because he confessed. Some sins are beyond the scope and benignity of confession. That is where rebirth and Karma come in.

Seeing the misery of men on this earth, the priests, according to some Hindus and other religions, devised rites, rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, pilgrimages... to please, hoodwink, fool and influence God so that He does not inflict any pain or punishment for one's actions, that karma dictates. God is great on His own merit; He does not need edification from us. One cannot escape the onslaught of Karma even with the intercession of  god-men or priests. Though animal sacrifices still exist in Hinduism in its periphery, its main thrust,  refinement or sublimation is sacrifice of the soul (ஆத்ம சமர்ப்பணம்). Animal sacrifice in the name of God is hypocrisy to wipe off the guilt of killing an animal for eating.  Here is the hypocrisy: One kills the animal not because he wants to eat the meat but because he wants to appease and please the God and then partake the meat with God and others. Now that God has eaten the meat, it is no longer sinful or a guilt to kill an animal for food; God becomes the co-conspirator, accessory, or killer by accepting the sacrifice.  Another clever but faulty rationalization is that by killing an animal on the sacrificial alter, man kills the animal (qualities) in him.

One cannot sacrifice (dedicate) the soul to god unless it is divested of all impurities. One commits all sorts of atrocities all week long and once a week, he takes his bag of sins and dumps it in the House of Ritual and the Lord, who is supposed to safely dispose it , so that he can continue his rounds all his life. He carries a debit card to pay for and wipe off the debt of sins. Even worse, the Lord has given him a prepaid debit card to expunge his sins and so the believer can continue doing whatever he does. The Lord has already suffered and shed blood for humanity's sins, so we can confidently commit and expunge sins on the benignant Lord's bottomless account (compassion). Jesus Christ, the Lord was the lamb of  God (sacrifice) for all our sins, so we can continue to commit whatever we want to. We can ravage the earth, pollute the atmosphere and the oceans, release greenhouse gases, malign fellowmen, prosecute wars, and do all kinds of atrocities; the next day we can atone  and continue doing what we did before. We are all immunized, so we can confidently not worry about catching the malady of sin.

Parents of Jesus sacrificed two doves at His birth. (Luke 2:24: and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. Lev. 12.6-8.)  I used the word 'we' here, because I am a Hindu and therefore a Christian. All Hindus whether they know it or not are Christians because, Hinduism encompasses Christianity in many of its aspects. Knowledgeable spiritually inclined henotheistic Hindus consider Jesus Christ as one of the Rishis (sages or seers).

Rituals... cannot buy immunity against Karmic consequences.  There is ritualism in all religions. Rituals are not religion and vice versa. The greatest contributions from India for the welfare of humanity are Yogas, Mantras, meditations, Tantric Sadhanas--Divya Bhava, Soul dedication or sacrifice to the Lord, (prayers), .... What is more important is to live a right life. That is Dharma ( = धर्म = prescribed conduct, duty, virtue, morality.... Monier Williams Sanskrit Dictionary). When you observe Dharma, you don't have to belong to a brand-name religion. We don't have to go to a house of worship or you can go if you want to. God is all-pervasive. He is in your heart; your body is the abode of God; your body is the temple, the church, the mosque.... Dharma is the universal generic religion--it is not any of the Isms. Good conduct is good religion. When an individual, a community, a nation and the world of nations observe Dharma, there will not be any man-made misery and wars. Hinduism says that a person should arrive at Acarpous Karma (Acarpous = not fruit-bearing) to go to heaven or obtain liberation. His bag of Karma should be empty of good or bad deeds for the descent of Spiritual Wisdom into his soul and attainment of heaven. You cannot go to heaven with Faustian knowledge, which in the best of circumstances buys bread and milk. Wisdom (Spiritual) is experiential Knowledge. You must experience that Spirit in you; only then you will attain liberation.

Wealthy Muslims sacrifice an animal during the Festival of Sacrifice (Eid ul-Adha). This is also the time of Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca). Usually a sheep or goat (sometimes cattle or even camel) is sacrificed then distributed through charity to the poor, in commemoration of God's forgiveness of Ibrahim (Abraham) from his vow to sacrifice his son Ismael.---Wikipedia.

My explanation: Abraham/Ibrahim had a dream, when his son came of age to work with him. In the dream, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, who was promptly appraised of his father's dream first thing in the morning. The son said, 'Do as you are bidden.' The son was placed in the prostrate position with face down for the sacrifice. God called out in an unmistakable voice, 'Abraham, you have fulfilled your vision.'   God of Abraham was testing him. What God said was, 'Sacrifice to God what is most precious in your life.'  To Abraham, his son was the most precious in his life. In actuality, one's soul is the most precious, even more than the son. God was asking for the sacrifice of the soul or self  (ஆத்ம சமர்ப்பணம்).

There is a similar story in the Katha Upanishad of Hindus, which predates Bible even before it was put down in writing. Is it possible that the story has been borrowed and incorporated in the Bible in the story of Abraham?

There was a poor but pious Brahmana, Vajasravasa, who, while performing sacrifice, gave away his old cows to the Brahmanas. His teenage son, Naciketas disturbed by the futility of offering decrepit old cows with no value, asked his father, 'To whom are you going to give me, father.'  What is more precious to a father: an old decrepit cow or his son? Naciketas persisted and the father in a fit of exasperation said to his son, ' Unto Death, I give thee.'  ('Go to hell.')  He went to hell right then and there. Here death is euphemism for dying to the flesh and rising up to Spirit. Make dedication of your soul--ஆத்ம சமர்ப்பணம்-- to the Lord and not some old cows (goats).

There in the hell, Naciketas  waited for three days and three nights hungry and exhausted; Mr. Death was nowhere to be found. Yama, the god of death has been busy bringing others into the abode of death. He was not expecting Naciketas; it was before his time that he arrived. Yama met him and in an act of kindness, offered him three boons. Naciketas asked fulfillment of three boons: 1) Let me go back alive to my father; 2) Tell me how good works can continue indefinitely; 3) Tell me the way to conquer re-death?

The first two boons were immediately offered to Naciketas. There are two paths: the path of good and the path of the pleasant. Man comes to a fork in the road. The wise one chooses the good; the simple-minded chooses the pleasant, the path of the blind and the ignorant. Good works are done by choosing the path of the good (example: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gandhi). In the path of the pleasant, the blind and the ignorant grope and fall into the ditch; they are neither useful to themselves nor to others.

The third question was a tricky question and so Yama was hesitant to provide the answer. Therein lies the heart of the story.  All of us (our souls) do not die. Soul is neither born nor does it die, when the body dies. Our souls do not sustain any physical injury.  Our body clothes the eternal soul. The soul changes the body at every re-birth as we change our shirt every day.  We will be born again and again right across religions, races, ethnicity, color, nations, continents or even species (fauna and flora). The soul of the human body only is eligible for liberation. Our souls belong to God and are part of God. The soul, separated from God, uses the body to live in this world. It will eventually go back to God, when the soul sheds the body and all impurities piled on it by life on earth.

(You are the soul and not the body. According to Hinduism, Jesus Christ did not die; he shed his body and his eternal soul merged with the Lord, the Father in heaven. Jesus Christ is the undying soul that sported a body for the sake of humanity. In like manner, we do not die; our body dies; our soul lives and merges back to the Lord.)

Worldly things, rites, rituals and sacrifices are impermanent and give only temporary relief. This world is a way station on our journey to the world of God--call it heaven or what you may. You don't have to go too far to find God. He is in your heart. He is like a flame without smoke. When the body leaves, what remains is the eternal flame. The Self is the Lord of the chariot; the body, the chariot; the intellect, the charioteer; the mind, the reins; the senses, the horses; the objects of sense, the paths; the embodied self (monad with the body), the senses; and the mind, the enjoyer.  Beyond everything is the great self; beyond the self, the unmanifest; beyond the unmanifest, the Spirit; beyond the All-pervasive Spirit without any mark, nothing; this is the end of the journey. We know Him not by sight but know Him by heart, by thought and by mind. When the knots that bind the heart break loose, we apprehend Him and then the mortal becomes the immortal.

That pure self on its way to the Spirit has no taste, no smell, no touch, no beginning, no end, and is eternal, knowing which, O Naciketas, one is freed from the face of death. So said Death (Yama).




Islam and animals: Wikipedia

Although over two hundred verses in the Qur'an deal with animals and six suras (chapters) of the Qur'an are named after the animals, animal life is not a predominant theme in the Qur'an.[1] The Arabic term for the "animal" (i.e. haywan) in its only one appearance in the Qur'an means "animal"haywan,plural->haywanat) r.[1][8] On the other hand, the Qur'an uses the term dābba which is not typically used in medieval Arabic works on zoology. However, animals are not a major theme of the Qur'an, nor are they described in detail. Animals are usually seen in relation to humans. This has created a tendency towards anthropocentrism.[1]

The Qur'an applies the word "Muslim" not only to humans but also to animals and the inanimate world. (Hinduism says that Brahman is He, She, It, and That--that pretty much covers all.) "The divine will manifests itself in the form of laws both in human society and in the world of nature." In Islamic terminology, for example, a bee is a Muslim precisely because it lives and dies obeying the sharia that God has prescribed for the community of bees, just as a person is a Muslim by virtue of the fact that he or she submits to the revealed sharia ordained for humans in the Qur'an and Sunnah.[9]   (In Hinduism, animals, plants, and humans have soul and thus a punditah treats them all with an equal eye. Islam's sharia in this context is Dharma of Hinduism.)

Although the Qur'an considers humans to occupy the highest place, it nevertheless strongly enjoins Muslims to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them. The Qur'an states that all creation praises God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language.[10][3] In verse 6:38, the Qur'an applies the term ummah, generally used to mean "a human religious community", for genera of animals. The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an states that this verse have been "far reaching in its moral and ecological implications."[11]

Treatment of animals

It is forbidden to cage animals, to beat them unnecessarily, to brand them on the face, or to allow them to fight each other for human entertainment. "They must not be mutilated while they are alive."[14]

Muhammad is also reported[by whom?] to have said: "There is no man who kills [even] a sparrow or anything smaller, without its deserving it, but Allah will question him about it [on the judgment day]," and "Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself."[3][15]

A hadith is reported[by whom?] from Muhammad that he issued advice to kill the sinful (fawasiq) animal within the holy area (haram) of Mecca, such as the rat and the scorpion. Killing animals that are non-domesticated such as zebras and birds in this area is forbidden.[16] ---Wikipedia


Allāh gives the reason why He sent Muhammad to earth. Lord's (Allāh) dispensation to the Believers and disbelievers.

2.4. The Torah and the Gospel preceded Muhammad, to whom Koran was the Lord's revelation. The believers regard with certainty in the Hereafter (Resurrection, remuneration for their good and bad deeds (Hinduism's Karmic fruits), Paradise and Hell.


2.5. The Lord provides the Believers  guidance, succor and success. (The non-believers are led astray with [spiritual] blindness, deafness and [locked and] sealed heart.)  [In Hinduism also, the Mother Goddess worshippers (Saktas) believe that the non-believers are blinded by mAyA. Yet they are tolerant of and welcome other faiths.]

2.6. The disbelievers remain unchanged ignoring the warning from Muhammad.


2.7. Allāh has (locked and) sealed the hearts of the disbelievers, shut their ears, and cast an opaque veil before their eyes. Their lot is one of great torment. 4.87. Allāh!  Lā ilāha illa huwa = none has the right to be worshipped but He.


(Bhagavadgita 7.21: Whatsoever is the form of deity, a devotee desires to worship with faith, I make sure that his faith is steady (in that god).

God is like an actor. We all know an actor is one person who plays many roles. We like his one roll over another role he plays. That in terms of god, Hindus call Ishta-devata (= god of your liking).


The Hindu view is a person has the freedom to worship any god he wants. All gods are manifestations of one God. Example. There is one person, who is a grandfather, father, son, uncle, son-in-law, father-in-law. This person is one and many are his manifestations depending on his relationship in the constellation.


2.42. Do not mix untruth and Truth, (the latter, being Muhammad, is Allāh's messenger and his attributes are found in Torah and Gospel), which you know.

Interpretation by Islamic Scholars. The Truth: Allāh regards Muhammad as His slave and messenger and named him Al-Mutawaki (the dependent on Allāh.  Muhammad bears witness to Allāh's True Religion.  Muhammad brings good news to the believers

 He is courteous (not discourteous), pleasant (not unpleasant), kind (not unkind), and soft-spoken (not harsh),  does not reap vengeance on evil-doers and treats them with forgiveness and kindness.  Allāh makes sure that Muhammad's spirit is alive until he makes the crooked straight and say 'la ilāha illallāh'  (=No one except Allah  has the right [for and as an object] of worship), which will open the eyes of  the (spiritually) blind, the ears of the deaf and the hard recalcitrant heart.


Sri Vaishnavites regard all embodied souls (we the people) Vishnu-dependant. The souls (Cit) of the world make the body of Vishnu.




Man and women should pray 5 times a day. The prophet said that children should start offering prayers (Salāt) at 7 years of age and may be subject to corporal punishment by ten for any infraction. Family and the rulers are held responsible for this observance.

Zakāt is charity, one of the five pillars of Islām for the benefit of Muslim community.

The five pillars are:

1) Lā ilāha illallāh wa anna muhammad-ur-Rasūl Allāh (None has the right for worship except Allāh and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allāh.

2) Iqāmat-as-Salāt: to perform the five Salāt--prayers.

3) To pay Zakāt. 

4) To perform Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah.

5) To observe Saum --fasting during the month of Ramadan. -Sahih Al-Bukhāri, Vol 1, Hadith


22.34. We have instituted religious rites in the name of Allāh over the beasts, which Allāh has given you for food. Your Ilāh (God) is One Ilāh (Allāh) to whom alone you must submit.

22.36. We have created the Budn (cows, camels....) as the symbols of Allāh, which bring much good. When the animals are in line for sacrifice, mention the name of Allāh over them. When they fall on their sides upon slaughter,  eat their flesh,  and offer it to the poor and the beggar. Thus, the beasts are under your subjection, so that you are grateful to Allāh.

22.37. The blood and the meat do not reach Allāh; it is your piety that reaches Him. We have made the animals subject to you so you may glorify Allāh for His guidance to you.  O Muhammad!  Spread the glad tidings to the Muhsinūm (the doers of good).


How can a compassionate God ask an Eskimo to subsist on fruits and vegetables alone knowing full well that He is the One who put him on Tundra? How can a coastal dweller on a desert-island live just on coconuts, dates, and dry fruits alone, not wanting to eat fish? Vegetarian Bengali Brahmins call fish water-flower (Jala-Pushpa) and eat it as if it is a vegetable. (Go on, try to convince me.) Sometimes their fertile land is flooded and they can't grow vegetables. Some Buddhists have no problem eating meat as long as they themselves don't have to kill the animal. It is the paradigm of big fish eating small fish. There are no easy answers for these questions. But one thing is certain: animals and fish suffer death as the life ebbs. All beings, having a nervous system however primitive it is,  feel the pain, suffer from injury and death. Supposing a superior race of beings come along and eat humans, what would be our attitude? Don't we put to death bears, tigers... that kill and eat man? Several years ago a bear in the zoo was put to death in NY because it ate a boy who wandered into its habitat. It is not uncommon in Sundarban National Park and Tiger Reserve in India that tigers kill and eat human beings who wandered into their reserve for firewood. The Sundarban tiger eats man and takes its postprandial siesta. The tigers are protected. I am not saying that tiger has to die. Man and tiger should be protected and managed well.


  Evolution and changing morphology of Judeo-Christian tradition of animal sacrifice.


Bible: Creation of animals, man and woman. God allowing eating of meat. Sacrifice of animals to please God. Jesus Christ offers his body for the sins of others. Sanctification by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, thus terminating animal sacrifices in Judeo-Christian tradition.

Genesis 9.3  Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Psalms 104. 27  These wait all upon thee;  that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

Sacrifice to expunge the sins or to please God. Sanctification comes after Jesus Christ gives his body for the sins of others, thus stopping the sacrifice of animals.

Leveticus 1.2  Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.
Leveticus 1.3.  If his
offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD.

Deuteronomy15.19  All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God:  thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy bullock, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep.
Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household.
And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy God.
Deuteronomy15.22  Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart.
Deuteronomy15.23  Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it upon the ground as water.

Leveticus 5.7  And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.


Stop the Sacrifice but continue eating meat, fish, fowl....

Hebrews 10.4: For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

Hebrews 10.9: then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.


Christian tradition initiated. Death of Jesus Christ nullified and obviated the need for animal sacrifices.

Hebrews 10.10: By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 10.11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

Hebrews 10.16:This is the covenant that I will make with them. after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

Hebrews 10.17: and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

Hebrews 10.18: Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.